If you are aware of any member who has been poorly or undergone an operation, please let me know.
Email atoc.welfare24@gmail.com
Mob 07968 239792
Friendly Rallying
If you are aware of any member who has been poorly or undergone an operation, please let me know.
Email atoc.welfare24@gmail.com
Mob 07968 239792
Lots of you that have been in the club for many years, would know Terry Lambourne, his wife Eileen sadly passed away a few years ago. He has been in hospital for quite a while, I’m pleased to say that he is now back home.
Terry has asked me on his behalf to thank everyone who sent him messages. In the email I received from him he says “It’s taken the stuffing and the GO out of him!"
I’m sure now he’s home he will slowly get back to feeling like his old self.
Auto-Trail Owners' Club is a Company Limited by Guarantee
Registered Office: 108 Rowner Road, Rowner, Gosport, Hants PO13 9RG
Registered in England & Wales
Company Number: 04702104